Spigen, Inc.
캘리포니아주, Irvine
- 직원수 150명 규모의 북미 및 유럽시장을 중심으로 전 세계 온라인 시장에서 패션 및 보호 케이스를 비롯한 모바일 액세서리 제품을 유통
: 코스닥 상장회사
- https://www.spigen.com/
- 미국 캘리포니아주, Irvine
모집 포지션 : 물류 사무행정
- Spigens Logistics Admin Associate performs a crucial role in overseeing all the activities in an organization related to e-Commerce online orders or B2B orders by operating different programs and software such as SAP, Shipstation, etc. An ideal candidate would plan, forecast, analyze, troubleshoot, and manage processes and operations related to stocks, inventories, and orders and shipments.
- Complete warehouse operational requirements by scheduling and assigning tasks to employees
- Maintain adequate storage for warehouse and on-site inventory
- Create an efficient space utilization plan
- Keep up with changing technologies such as computer software
- Oversee overall operations and procedures regarding stocks, inventory, and orders and shipment
- Collaborate with other departments as well as headquarters in order to meet customer needs
- Communicate with external vendors as well as create liaisons with business partners
- Maintain delivery schedules as well as PO records on purchases
- Responsible for data analysis including forecasting
- Responsible for financial and administrative aspects including data entry, record keeping, billing, and managing invoices
- Assist customs compliance/clearance
- Other related duties as assigned
- 시간당 22불
: 시간당 24불까지 인상 가능
- 점심제공
- 명절 보너스 지급
- 휴일 수당 지급(매주 금요일 Paid Half Day)
- 월~목요일, 오전 9시~오후 6시
- 금요일, 오전 9시~오후 4시
- 2016, 2018, 2019년 취업비자 스폰이력 확인.
[문의 및 지원하기]
- 전화 : 02-554-7574 // 010-6383-7564
- 카톡 : heungchan
- 메일 : janghc@workbridge.co.kr
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