CJ Foodville USA, Inc.
캘리포니아주, Commerce
- CJ그룹 계열의 외식서비스 담당으로, 뚜레쥬르, 빕스, 더 플레이스 등을 관리, 운영하고 있습니다. 2004년 미국 진출을 시작으로 중국, 베트남, 인도네시아, 캄보디아, 필리핀, 몽골에 진출하여 약 300여개의 해외 매장을 운영하며 현재 글로벌하게 확장중
- http://www.cjfoodville.co.kr/eng/main.asp
- 미국 캘리포니아주, Commerce
: 근무지역 직원수 40명
모집 포지션
1. 제과제빵(Caker)
- Prepare Butter Cakes by sanding, icing, coating and decorating
- Training other associated as needed
- Maintaining high standards for product quality and following safety regulation
- Assist any production duties under direction of CK Manager and supervisors
- Help with cleaning down the equipment(s)/ mop daily when finished
- Help prepare dough, mix cream as needed
- Packaging cakes and store away to be sent out to appropriate stores
2. 제과제빵(Baker)
- Mixing dividing and oven work on the cake sheet line
- Training other associated as needed
- Maintaining high standards for product quality and following safety regulation
- Assist any production duties under direction of CK Manager and supervisors
- Help with cleaning down the equipment(s)/ mop daily when finished
- Help prepare dough, mix cream as needed
- Packaging cakes and store away to be sent out to appropriate stores
- 시간당 20불
- 점심제공
- 연 24시간 병가제공
- 월~금요일, 오전 6시~오후 3시
- 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2022년 취업비자 스폰이력 확인.
[문의 및 지원하기]
- 전화 : 02-554-7574 // 010-6383-7564
- 카톡 : heungchan
- 메일 : janghc@workbridge.co.kr
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