Rhee Bros, Inc.
메릴랜드주, Hanover
- 1968년 설립된 직원수 200명 규모의 식품 수출입 유통회사
: 자체 브랜드의 각종 식품을 유통하고 있으며, 조지아주, 필라델피아, 일리노이주에 마트를 직접 운영
- 미국 메릴랜드주, Hanover(본사)
: 근무지역 직원수 200명
모집 포지션 : MD
- Ensures network uptime via monitoring of usage, maintenance of equipment, regular backups, and proactive problem solving.
- Ensures the companys confidential data and systems are protected from outside threats.
- Response to Help Desk requests in a timely and thorough manner.
- Maintains records and keeps track of all information to create reporting on issues and their resolutions.
- Manages access to company data stored in system databases (e.g., ERP, WMS, etc.,)
- Responds to data requests in a timely and thorough manner.
- Assists in creating reporting for other teams within the company.
- Work with designated project managers and department stakeholders to document work processes and requirements.
- Develops use cases and test scripts for system implementation.
- Other duties as assigned.
- 시간당 20불
- 월~금요일, 오전 8시~오후 5시
- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017년 취업비자 스폰이력 확인
[문의 및 지원하기]
- 전화 : 02-554-7574 // 010-6383-7564
- 카톡 : heungchan
- 메일 : janghc@workbridge.co.kr
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