DAS North America, Inc.
알라바마주, Montgomery
- 1987년 설립된 자동차 부품 제조회사
: 주요 고객사로는 현대자동차, 기아자동차, 쌍용, GM, 쉐보레, 벤츠, 폭스바겐 등
: 대한민국 4,800명 직원 근무 중
: 미주법인은 2003년 설립되어 702명 직원 근무 중
: 중국, 인도, 체코, 브라질, 터키에 법인 운영
- 미국 알라바마주, Montgomery
모집 포지션
1. 품질관리
- Evaluate production samples for conformance to specifications.
- Development of lab procedures.
- Assist in development of plant SOPs.
- Perform routine environmental testing as scheduled.
- Maintain all lab equipment and/or calibration of such equipment.
- Maintain cleanliness of lab.
- Applies statistical process control (SPC) methods for analyzing data to evaluate the current process and process changes.
- Other duties as assigned.
2. 프로덕션
- Work with Supervisor; participate in the training of all team members and their certification program.
- Assist the leadership team in developing the workforce into a cohesive team unit with a common goal of group excellence in product quality and satisfaction of customer needs.
- Communicate performance results to leadership team on a regular basis, acting as necessary to improve deficient areas.
- Operate all line equipment as required.
- Sort parts and other deliveries.
- Inspect parts and finished assemblies according to inspection standards and frequencies prescribed.
- Complete all working documentation, records, reports, etc. as requested.
- Perform trouble shooting, problem solving and countermeasure activities as necessary.
- Keep the work environment safe and clean at all times.
- Other duties as assigned.
- 연봉 43,000불
- 입사 후 1개월 회사 숙소 및 차량 제공
- 출퇴근 한달 제공
- 회사 내규에 따른 휴가 및 병가 제공
- 월~금요일, 오전 6시~오후 3시
- 2013, 2015,. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020년 취업비자 스폰이력 확인.
[문의 및 지원하기]
- 전화 : 02-554-7574 // 010-6383-7564
- 카톡 : heungchan
- 메일 : janghc@workbridge.co.kr
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