알라바마주, McCalla
- 대한민국 철강 대기업 미주법인 및 지사
: 인디애나 주 제퍼슨빌, 알라바마 주 맥칼라에 각각 지점 운영
: 주로 차량 강판을 제조/납품하고 있으며, 제품 납품을 위한 출하관련 물류업무도 진행
- https://www.poscoaapc.com/
- 미국 알라바마주, McCalla
: 근무지역 직원수 57명
모집 포지션
1. 프로덕션팀
- Assist and understand production processes in the Annealing, Pickling, Drawing, and Logistics lines, grasping the unique requirements of each line.
- Assist in distributing production schedules, providing loading and unloading materials onto holders for processing to facilitate efficient production planning.
- Prepare various detailed production reports for upper management.
- Review production schedules to determine material requirements or real priorities
- Confer with department managers to assess progress and discuss necessary changes.
- Arrange for delivery, assembly, or distribution of supplies or parts to expedite the flow of materials and meet production schedules
- Maintain inventories of materials or supplies necessary to meet production demands
- Promote safety to all team members, customers, and suppliers.
- Maintain inventory control through thorough checking and documentation of all listed items.
- Take regular inventory counts and develop variance reports.
- Other duties as assigned by Management.
2. 생산관리
- Assist preparation and distribution of production schedule to departments
- Prepare various detailed production reports for upper management
- Review production schedules to determine material requirements or real priorities
- Confer with department manager to assess progress and discuss needed changes
3. 품질관리
- Assist document management of production procedures and system regarding Production Department
- Assist to conduct sample tests and inspections for compliance with standards and customer requirements
- Assist to develop, recommend and monitor corrective and preventive actions
- Other Duties assigned
- 시간당 18불
- 숙소지원금 지원(월 500불)
- 이주비용 1,500불 지원(미국 도착 후 지원)
- 주 2회 점심제공
- 2주 근무마다 3시간 휴가생성
- 보험 제공
- 월~금요일, 오전 8시~오후 5시
- 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021년 취업비자 스폰이력 확인.
[문의 및 지원하기]
- 전화 : 02-554-7574 // 010-6383-7564
- 카톡 : heungchan
- 메일 : janghc@workbridge.co.kr
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